MandalArt is a kind of thinking method similar to Mind Mapping. In Mind Mapping, we create an idea tree which is made of keywords surrounded by circles and connected with lines. It is an effective way to think about complicated things. While the idea tree of Mind Mapping is drawn on a white canvas, MandalArt has a fixed form in which keywords are written. It is made of nine square cells which is just the same as tic-tac-toe game board. All we have to do is write down our main subject in the center cell and fill the eight surrounding cells with keywords derived from the main subject. In the next step, we copy each keyword of the eight cells in the center cell of the next MandalArt form page. By repeating this process until all the keywords are derived from our brain, we can make up a structured idea. It is such an easy way that you might be doubt of its effectiveness, however, it is the most powerful method as far as I know. It was more than ten years ago when I came across this method and six months later, I quitted my first job for a large company to start my own independent business. Anyway, MandalArt method has been implemented into the iPhone recently and we can now use this powerful method more conveniently. It is really comfortable to edit, move, copy and paste cells to arrange our idea tree until we are fully satisfied.
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