Whenever we come back from a trip, we think home is the best. It is because home is the place where we can relax at all. We might be able to say it is the definition of home. Soaking in the hot bath is pleasant, but soaking too long becomes rather painful and we can't help getting out of the used-to-be pleasant bathtub. For the same reason, we sometimes want to travel somewhere escaping from home. However, the life of trip is often less pleasant than the home life and sooner or later we are supposed to go back home again. It seems to be a permanent repetition, but what if we had more than two homes? Tokyo is my hometown and after living in Vancouver more than three years, it has become my second hometown. I will go back to Tokyo next month and I guess I can enjoy the life there for a few months, but it is clear that I will get bored of Tokyo life within a few months. Coming back to Vancouver is one of the options, but I don't like to do it for now. What I'm thinking about is to find my third hometown. It looks to me a wonderful idea to have some hometowns and to come and go among them. Thanks to the Internet, we can choose this way of life more easily than before. We don't always have to need enough money for full-retirement.

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