In the last two decades, sushi has become a popular menu item all around the world. I could find a sushi restaurant even in a remote town in Canada or in the U.S. Known as one of the most healthy food, lots of Western people, especially interested in their health, often choose sushi as their lunch menu. While tuna and salmon are very popular among them, they don't seem to like salmon roe. West Coast of upper North America is one of the biggest salmon fishing grounds and we can often see big salmons here and there, however, it is rather difficult to get salmon roe both in a shop and in a restaurant. Most of them seem to be exported to Asian countries. I don't know why Western people don't like it. Sure, it is rather oily and not so healthy, but that will not be the reason because they like way more greasy food. The other day, I enjoyed Ikura Don which means salmon roe on rice served in a bowl. White rice was covered with a thick salmon roe layer. I enjoyed the happy feeling of popping out of each roe with salty flavor spreading in my mouth.
Great common sense here. Wish I'd thhougt of that.
Posted by: Mccade | January 24, 2014 at 08:20 AM