When I was a boy, there used to be standing several ticket examiners at every gate of stations and they used to examine and punch all the passengers' tickets every time. We can't see such a scene now because automatic ticket gates have spread all around the country. As automatic ticket gates need to check every ticket both when passengers get in and out, they must be placed at every station gate on the train network. The required number of machines is almost countless. It must have been a big investment to change all the human gates to machine checkers. Furthermore, at least one human examiner needs to be placed at every gate of all the stations in case of emergency. This picture just depicts the case -- my friend's ticket jammed in the machine and a human station staff is repairing it. Why did they dare to introduce such costly machines? The lost money by illegal train-ride must have been bigger than whole the cost of this machine. Since a few years ago, ticketless machines which record passengers' tracks wirelessly in their cell phones have been spreading and illegal train-ride has become almost impossible. Sure it is fair and square, but I sometimes miss the simple ticket system in Vancouver.