If you have once used a computer with multi displays, you won't be able to forget its pleasantness. It used to be a kind of luxury because the prices of computer displays were very expensive and we had a desktop space problem at the same time especially in Japan. Thanks to the recent mass production effect of LCDs, we can now easily make good use of multi displays. I had been used a 20 inch LCD in addition to the built-in 13.3 inch display for months. It was convenient enough, but I added the third LCD a few days ago. You can see it by the dog in this picture. It has only 4.3 inches! It may seem too small, but it is really nice for some reasons. It is connected to my MacBook with one USB cable, that's it. All the power can be supplied through the USB port and thanks to its light weight, it can be held with the USB cable as you can see in this picture. I'm now using it for the Finder program (a kind of File Manager for Windows). I won't have to close or stagger some windows to access to the objective window any more. As I often work with a computer in a cafe, it's really great for me to be able to carry my multi display environment. Plus, the price was less than $200. I have to admit to say that it was one of the luckiest finds this year.