The central part of Kushiro City is divided by a train rail which runs east and west. This city must have grown around the train station, but now the age of trains have past and it has been replaced by cars. The rail even looks like an obstacle which divides the city into North and South. The way to cross the boarder is limitted; only three bridges and one tunnel as far as I know. If you have a car, it’s not a major problem, but for many pedestrians or cyclist like me, it’s a kind of hard work to go to the other side because we have to go up and down a steep steps like this picture. The center line you can see in this picture is prepared for cyclists so that they can carry and roll their bike beside them. However, it is so steep that I was scared when I used it for the first time. It ia really an obstacle and it makes this city more inconvenient. The best way will be burrying the rail under ground, but no one has such money in this city.