It was four days ago when I mentioned about earthquakes in my last article, and today, we had a huge earthquake in Iwate, the north part of Honshu Island. Fortunately -- of course it's not fortunate for the people who suffered from the disaster -- but I dare to say "fortunately" to the most people living in a dense city such as Tokyo, the devastated area is rather remote and therefore the damage was rather small against the energy of the earth quake. I really scare to imagine if it was in Tokyo, but no one can deny the possibility that the next is Tokyo. In my feeling, huge disaster repeats itself in a short period. It is just like the bubbles of boiled water which burst one after another. I can't believe there are some people who scheme to invite the Olympic Games to Tokyo. It's suicide to gather people into Tokyo any more.
It's a pleasure to find someone who can idnetfiy the issues so clearly
Posted by: Florensia | May 15, 2013 at 04:24 AM
Although I have to say, honestly and sadly: parts of that area do have a post-apocalyptic look about them these days. Fifty or sixty years ago (when I was a child), it was a nice mildde-class neighborhood.
Posted by: Sosial | May 16, 2013 at 10:03 PM