I'm sorry to show you such a grotesque picture. It is the inside of my mouth; the purple, damp object on the right side is my tongue and the ivory-white objects on the left side are my back teeth. As you can see in the picture, I have a lot of decayed teeth most of which have been treated except the one in the center. It has been under treatment since last year and I have to go see my dentist every Sunday. He killed my nerves under the tooth last year and since then, he picks up the white gum covering the toot, changes the medicine to treat the inflammation, checks whether the nerves are perfectly killed and recover the white gum every week. He says it will take a few more months to finish this treatment. Fortunately, the treatment itself is not painful because my nerves have already been killed, but I don't like the sound and the smell in the dentist's. Plus, I can't now use the right teeth. It is more or less inconvenient especially when I eat something hot. I miss the quick treatment in the dentist in Vancouver.

Thant's a big damage if it's taken one you do have few. Get better.
Posted by: Sen | January 27, 2008 at 08:38 AM
Quit changing girls. Find the right girl and devleop a good Love Life with her. If you think that it's good with a comfortable and familiar girl,wait until you find out what it's like with a meaningful girl when you are building an awesome Love Life with her. Here in is where some of the mind set problem is coming in.You will likely throw away the Levitra, until you become really old or damaged, and really need the stuff.Hoping the best for you ManMe! :- )
Posted by: Nirasha | May 14, 2013 at 06:15 PM