One of the most famous products in Obihiro is confectionery. There are a lot of ranches and wheat fields in and around this city and that means they can easily get good foodstuffs including milk, eggs, red beans, wheat and so on. Since I found a large sweets factory in Otofuke, the next city of Obihiro, I have been visiting there almost every week. We can purchase various sweets which are hot from the pan in the adjacent shop. Furthermore, we can get free drink in the cafe corner and enjoy the sweets with it. It looks like a paradise for me as one the heaviest sweets lovers. Anyway, a few weeks ago, one of the famous confectioneries in Hokkaido, fortunately not in Obihiro, was reported to have told a lie about the pull date printed on its products. I really hope that they value providing good confectionery more than pursuing profits.