Bath-hopping is as popular as barhopping in Japan. I love it so much that I have once hopped ten times a day. Sure ten baths in a day is too much because taking bath requires more energy than we estimate. We can't help feeling dizzy after so many baths. If you are not Japanese, you might think why I need to change baths so often. The reason is clear for us Japanese; each bath has its own taste and we enjoy the difference. As I mentioned before, there are tens of Sento in the small city and each of them differs from others. It's interesting that every Sento has its own color, smell, temperature and ingredients. The Sento I took today for the first time was really good. It was rather a small Sento with a small bathtub which would be full with four to five people, but the hot water was the best as far as I know; lots of fresh hot water was fountaining and covering the floor of the small bath room. It was amber in color, a little bit slimy with a slight sulfur smell and what was special was that once I soaked in it, my body was covered with numerous very small bubbles. It was really a fantastic feeling; we might feel in the same way when we soaked in hot Coke. 60 days have passed since I came to Obihiro and more than tens of Sento are waiting for me. I must be busy if I tried to cover all of them before going back to Tokyo.