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August 11, 2007



The basic (non-extended, non-female) versions are very siamilr in cost in the USA, and depending on how many the prescription is written for, and where filled, and whether you can get the first week free, they all cost pretty much the same. Cialis used to cost a bit more because it was marketed as a ready any time three-day med. It still is, but now it is more price-competitive. Levitra's formula is almost exactly that of Viagra, and it can be a bit cheaper, probably the me too syndrome. Plain old original blue Viagra is a little cheaper than it was upon release ten years ago, when there was no price competition. More than the other two, it tends to be the price leader; but on the other hand their marketing and re-marketing efforts may be stronger than for Cialis or Levitra, putting some free pills in men's hands.

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