At the entrance of my garage, I looked up at the sky and found this beautiful scene. There was the Venus by the moon which was so bright that it wasn't extinguished by the light of the moon, the evening glow and even the outdoor light of the entrance. This is the typical brightness of the evening star. The star is as large as the earth, but is located way further than the moon. Have you thought about the reason why the evening star is so bright? The answer is simple when thinking about the orbit of the Venus and the Earth in the solar system. The Venus revolves around the sun on the inner orbit of the earth and therefore it cannot be away from the sun when looking at from on the earth. It means that the star can only be seen with the sun and it cannot be seen in the midnight because the sun and the Venus are at the opposite side of the midnight sky. It is always located around the sun and it can only be seen when the brightness of the Venus becomes stronger than the sun. That is the reason for the evening and morning star's brightness.