It was raining and I needed some cash in the night. I remembered that there was a drive through ATM of my bank on the way and decided to use it for the first time. The vending machine was located in the corner of the bank parking lot which looked like an entrance gate of a pay parking. It was designed with a roof so that the customers are not to be wet in case of rains. It looked well-designed but was not so much as I had expected. I parked my car beside the machine and inserted my bank card. The problem happened in the next step. I couldn't reach the top button of the ATM machine. It was located at the higher place and I had to lean out the wet window just to press the buttons. Fortunately, I didn't have to get out of my car, but unfortunately, my jacked was soaked with the rain drops on my car window. It seemed that the drive through ATM was just the same as other vending machines on streets except that it had a roof gate. I have to say the design is far from perfect.
