Cambie Street is one of the main streets connecting Vancouver Downtown and Richmond. It has been under construction since last year and is expected to be for a few more years until Olympic Games in 2010. They are now constructing a new Skytrain subway from the international airport to Downtown. I think the plan itself is good, but the implementation method has a lot of problems. It seems to be too inefficient and slow causing inconvenience for drivers. Now the street is reduced into only one lane for each direction though it used to have three lanes. Turning to left or right is prohibited on the most junctions on the way and once you get on the street you can't escape from it for a long distance. It is a real bee-line street different from the bus line named B-line. Since the construction was started, the possibilities of traffic congestion has apparently increased. Notwithstanding all these inconvenience, the pace of the construction is still very slow and it is suspicious whether it can be completed by Olympic Games. If they did the same things in Tokyo, the city functions would be paralyzed.