Ikura means a salmon roe in Japanese. The red point this cat is grazing at is not of course an Ikura but a light from a laser pointer. The keepers just called it Ikura and enjoyed it with their cats. Most cats love to chase this red Ikura and it is very funny to see them. If we draw a circle, they keep running after it until their heads get spinning. If we draw a vertical line on the wall, they stand on their two legs to reach the red point. I don't know any other toys which attract cats so much. I found that they are not tricked by this toy because they looked at me demanding more lights when I turned off the light. Cats are smarter than I had estimated.

Seems they missed one of their staffs.
Posted by: Sen | December 29, 2006 at 12:45 PM
The red point,Ikura,is good idea!My cats,TAMA and AMA,must be absorbed in it. And if I could be easy to playing with them.I'll buy and try it.
Posted by: ritsuko | June 01, 2008 at 10:26 PM