When I was going to bed last night, I found the sky out of the window was very bright. It was the full moon, which was so bright that I could see the shadows of things clearly. I decided to put off my happy sleeping and set my camera onto the tripod to take some pictures. This picture shows what I saw from my bed - of course it is exaggerated a bit by long time exposure, but it is very close to what I really watched. Can you believe it was in the midnight, actually at 1:26 AM according to the EXIF data? It means that the sun was perfectly on the other side of the earth, and all the light was the reflection of the moon. Please check my photo library if you are interested in other picture I took last night.
Yes, I saw beutiful full moon tonight in Japan. When I returned home after buying some materials for steam-baked meat pie (Gyoza) at a super market. It was realy beautiful.
Posted by: Koichi | October 08, 2006 at 09:27 PM
Your photos are always superb.
Regarding "it was in the midnight":
Midnight is not really an abbreviation for middle of the night. Say either "it was at midnight," meaning [close to] 00:00, or "in the middle of the night," meaning any time the speaker thinks normal people should be sleeping.
Posted by: Aviatrix | October 09, 2006 at 12:41 AM
> Koichi
We can say Gyoza in English. Almost everyone would understand it at least in Vancouver. We also call it "pot sticker" or "dumpling."
> Aviatrix
Thanks for the comment about the word "midnight." I understood "midnight" is the antonym of "noon." Is that right?
Posted by: mochi | October 09, 2006 at 02:36 AM
I enjoy your blog.
I'm also a blogger and I've been to Vancouver.
Your blog takes me back!
I'll tell my friends your blog.
That's for sure.
Posted by: palu | October 09, 2006 at 03:46 PM
Thank you for your comment.
I enjoy reading your BLOG almost every day.
I admire you for your excellent expression in English.
Posted by: Koichi | October 11, 2006 at 09:41 PM