As we had almost finished checking the boat yesterday, we had few things to do today. We waked up around 9:00 and cleaned the boat which was almost clean because the ex-owner seemed to be quite methodical. Before noon, we got into an Indian restaurant attracted by the signboard which said "all you can eat!" The dishes were great and the volume was infinitive. What a happy place Olympia is! After that we went to a cafe where we could use the free wireless Internet and stayed there for hours. In the late after noon, we went shopping to a grocery store near the marina to get food for the coming cruising back to Vancouver. It was almost 9:00 at night when we finished preparing for the departure, and it was a little bit too late to find a restaurant still open in this town. After wandering about the town for half an hour, we finally went into a Vietnamese restaurant near the marina which was unexpectedly good and we could enjoy delicious cuisine. We were happy because all the restaurants we took meals in Olympia were good. It was after midnight when all the four members met together in the boat. We soon went into bed because we had to leave Olympia early in the next morning.
