It was almost 10:00 pm when I took this picture. Of course I didn't use any special photo technique or image processing to control the brightness or colors. This picture is almost same as the real sky in colors and brightness, which I actually saw with my eyes from my balcony. The sun had already set 30 minutes before and some clouds were coming close from the ocean with strong wind. The sky and the sea had almost the same colors but each surface looks different. The warm color lights of Kittsilano have a good contrast to the cool color of the sky and the sea. It was so beautiful that I wanted to see it forever, but I could only take this picture because of the strong wind.
I came here because your article written in AERA English interested me. Today's your photo looks very beautiful! You would be living in very comfortable place, I suppose. I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Thanks.
Posted by: omisoshiru | July 10, 2006 at 10:42 AM