It is well said that "everything is vanity." I know that no products could endure forever, but my socks can be worn into a hole so easily that I have to get new one every two months and I sometimes suspect that they are designed in such way. If a pair of socks last more than a year, the sales of the socks company would be one fifth of the present figure. Old ladies in my mother's generation sometimes give me evidence that stockings used to be much stronger when they were put on sale decades ago. The other day in Japan, a manager of SONY officially denied the existence of "SONY timer" which means that SONY's products are manufactured so that they would get broken one year and one month after their product when the warranty period expires. I don't think he is telling a lie, but I think most products including SONY's have a kind of "timer" built in not intentionally but as the result of severe cost competitions. Unfortunately, there are few things around me which seem to last for my life span.