Vancouver Chinatown is placed at the east of Downtown, which is said to be rather dangerous place. Quite a few junkies are doing something here and there on the street, and most people ignore traffic signals. I don't like to drive through this area but I sometimes visit there because Rice World is there. Rice World is a kind of Asian grocery store where we can get rice at almost the half price comparing with any other supermarkets. In this storage like store, the main language is Chinese, but it's not difficult to do shopping because I only have to point to the exact name of rice and pay for it at the entrance. The sales staff, who doesn't speak English, gives me a receipt which I can exchange for the rice.
Oh! I remember that place. I haven't step foot in there for many years. I think I've went there once or twice. I agree the area is a bit scary. There's also another Rice World store in Richmond on Garden City Road In between Lansdowne Mall and ABerdeen? Not sure where but it's on Garden City Road. The Rice World in Chinatown is probably cheaper, but I find that I could get reasonable prices of Japanese snacks.
Posted by: Tiffany | May 08, 2006 at 02:19 PM
> Tiffany
Thanks for the good information about RiceWorld in Richmond. I'm going to visit next time.
Posted by: mochi | May 08, 2006 at 04:56 PM