Joby is a well-designed tripod for compact cameras. It is made of 30 plastic balls, each of those works as a flexible joint just like octopus legs. By using this tiny tripod, we can fix our camera not only on a flat surface, but also on rocks, branches, nets, poles and so on. As the three legs can be twined around even a vertical pole, I think I can take pictures from new angles. According to the spec note, this light weight tripod can hold most compact cameras except for single-lens reflex cameras. (I hear that another type of product is to be released so as to hold heavier single-lens reflex cameras.) I'm thinking about carrying this new item with the digital camera, and taking more interesting pictures.
I got so excited about this I ran out to buy one today. The store I tried didn't have it, though, so I guess I'll order it online. I have to have one!
Posted by: Joolie | May 11, 2006 at 04:43 PM
> Joolie
Though this is not exactly a "tripod," it is very interesting too.
Posted by: mochi | May 12, 2006 at 03:06 AM