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March 15, 2006



here in the washington, dc area, cherry blossoms are a very big deal. you can read about them here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/09/AR2006030901361.html "[This year] marks the 94th anniversary of the 1912 gift of trees from the city of Tokyo to the people of Washington."

there is a 2-week festival, and the city is swarmed by tourists and locals alike. here's a link to a photo as well: http://www.yale.edu/ytsa/photo/02_cherry_blossoms/cherry1.jpg

love your blog, by the way.


> kristin

Thanks for the information and photo about the cherry trees in Washington D.C. They look the same as Japanese cherry trees which I love best.

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