A lot of things are happening every day all around the world. Of course it's impossible to report all of them in any kind of media such as TV, newspaper, and the Internet, but I think the media in Japan is strange, even dangerous. It's full of bias because it gets often painted in one color if something shocking or curious happens. One famous, young president was arrested for fraud against the stock market in the beginning of this week. He had been one of the most popular guy in Japan appearing on TV almost every day just like a TV star, but he is now the most notorious suspect behind bars. The problem is that more than half of all the news in Japan are now occupied with his story. Any media are reporting repeatedly the same topic about him, including the information about his life in jail, how he and his company cheated the market, and so on. It's nothing but a gossip show. I don't think this matter is so important and there must be other more important affairs happening around the world. I don't know when and how the media in Japan graduate from this third-rate position.