I got up at 6:00 this morning which is almost 6 hours earlier than usual. It was for taking the flight test. The sky was overcast and lots of gray clouds were flowing fast from south. I drove 30 km from Downtown to the airport seeing the sky was getting lighter. When I arrived at the airport, I cloud even see the partial blue sky although the wind was still strong. I prepared for the flight plan calculating the flight time and fuel based on the latest weather forecast. I was almost ready for the test, but it was postponed because of the weather. The blue sky was just temporary and the wind was too strong for the private flight test. It was almost 20 knots with gusting. The next flight test is scheduled this Thursday. It's rather tough to keep concentration on the test and to stay in such stressful mental situation.
Good luck tomorrow!
Concentrate on each item one at a time. If you make a mistake, fix it, but don't worry about things you can't fix.
Posted by: Aviatrix | December 29, 2005 at 01:49 PM
Sorry it was postponed. I had a flight test scheduled for Dec. 28th, but it was also postponed for weather. I know exactly what you mean about a stressful mental situation.
Posted by: C | December 29, 2005 at 11:31 PM
> C
I'm sorry I was partially failed and was not a little disappointed, but I'm already recovered. Although I'm still in the stressful mental situation, I don't feel it so hard anymore. Good luck for your flight test and for my second trial.
Posted by: mochi | January 01, 2006 at 05:35 PM