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December 09, 2005



A.I.P (Aeronautical Information Publication) used to be an information source for Canadian pilots. It was a ring file made of hundreds of pages and amendments were sent periodically to registered pilots so that they can replace old pages with the latest information. It seemed rational because the whole file did not have to be republished, but the replacement work was boring for most of the pilots and some of them didn't do it. A few months ago, A.I.P was abolished and changed into A.I.M (Aeronautical Information Manual) which has a shape of a normal book with about 400 pages. The contents themselves are not different but the new A.I.M seems to be handy and friendly. It's easier to turn the pages, and the page and font size is bigger than before. All these things contribute to the better readability of A.I.M. I think it was a good change.

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