"CAV OK" is an aviation abbreviation which stands for "ceiling and visibility is OK." It is a sign for the clear blue sky and I'm now starving for it. I have to do a long cross-country flight to Hope before the flight test. Hope is a city in a deep valley and at least 5,000 foot ceiling is required for us student pilots to go there because a steep turn in the valley at low altitude is dangerous. I booked a Cessna this Wednesday for the flight which was canceled because of bad weather. I had the second booking today which was canceled again. This morning I checked the weather on the Internet every hour and the ceiling over Hope had been getting better by the time I left for the airport, but when I checked the weather one hour before the flight, it was the worst figure. "VV008" was the figure which means "Vertical Visibility is only 800 feet." Oh, my god! The weather seems to be teasing me. I made a booking every day for next week, however the weather forecast is saying that the bad weather is to continue for a week. I am regretting not to have finished the long cross country last month.
"CAV OK" is an aviation abbreviation which stands for "ceiling and visibility is OK." It is a sign for clear blue sky and I'm now starving for it. I have to do a long cross-country flight to Hope before the flight test. Hope is a city in a deep valley and at least a 5,000 foot ceiling is required for us student pilots to go there, because a steep turn in the valley at low altitude is dangerous. I booked a Cessna for the flight this Wednesday, which was canceled because of bad weather. I made a second booking today which was canceled again. This morning I checked the weather on the Internet every hour and the ceiling over Hope had been getting better by the time I left for the airport, but when I checked the weather one hour before the flight, it was the worst figure. "VV008" was the figure, which means the "Vertical Visibility is only 800 feet." Oh, my god! The weather seems to be teasing me. I made a booking every day for next week, however the weather forecast is saying that the bad weather is to continue for a week. I am regretting not having finished the long cross country flight last month.
Posted by: Corrector | October 03, 2005 at 12:29 PM
Mike Stokley is remembered, not only today, on the anrraensviy of his death, but every other day as well. He made the ultimate sacrifice, not only for those of us in the U.S.A. but also for the people in Iraq, who now have a taste of freedom such as what we experience here on a day to day basis. Those freedoms are not free and we will never take them for granted, as we will never take the life of Mike Stokley for grnted. He IS a Hero and we will forever honor him.DonnaProud Army MomProud Soldiers Angel
Posted by: Junior | January 26, 2014 at 03:24 PM