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September 21, 2005



The other day I got this rhubarb pie at a supermarket. Although I didn't know "rhubarb" I remembered that one of the instructors at my flight school had said "Rhubarb pie in the cafe at Chilliwack airport is number one." The pie I got this time was actually "rhubarb strawberry pie" and the taste of strawberries was so strong that I couldn't decide for sure which was exactly the taste of rhubarb. My dictionary was not any help about this word because there is no rhubarb in Japan. It says that rhubarb is rhubarb, that's it! I had been feeling in the air about rhubarb for the past few days, however, today I happened to see real rhubarb in the vegetable corner of a supermarket. It was red and just like a huge celery. I ate a small piece of the vegetable but it had no taste. The real taste of rhubarb is still in the air for me.

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