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September 01, 2005



Movable Type is the most popular software tool for making blog sites and it is also getting popular as the tool for managing ordinary business sites. Sure it is a little bit difficult to start a normal web site, not a blog site, using Movable Type, but once you make up the framework of the site, it is getting super easy to manage the whole website. If you wanted to change particular key words or the design all over your site, you can change them with a one touch operation. For these last three days, I have been struggling with Movable Type so that I can change my business site into a Movable Type based web site. Now I've finished the work, and I can update my site contents very easily. I feel happy owing money to Movable Type.


Do you know this web site?
I'm also interested in Movable Type.


Thank you for the useful information about MT.


Please help me too, i am a total newbie and want to make some bucks online

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