After the flight lesson, my Japanese friend who is a commercial pilot student took me to Qualicum Beach in his airplane. It was a two-hour flight and we flew around Straight of Georgia clockwise from Boundary Bay, through Gulf Islands, Texada Island, Sunshine Coast, Downtown, and Vancouver International Airport, and back to Boundary Bay. The weather was so great that we could see the round horizon. From 4,500 feet altitude, Straight of Georgia looked like a small lake which had looked like a infinite sea while sailing on a boat. I was exciting with the feeling of my field extended. I hope I can fly myself over Straight of Georgia someday soon, but before that, I have to be able to communicate with Vancouver Tower among other international airline pilots.
Very valid, pithy, suctnicc, and on point. WD.
Posted by: Lorene | January 26, 2014 at 02:36 PM