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June 19, 2005



I reported on my blog three days ago about a super luxurious yacht staying in English Bay. I said it was around 200 feet long and it's accompanying sail boat as 40 feet in length. I made a mistake. Today I sailed close to the yacht, read the boat's name, and googled [to look up on ''Google''] the name. The ship is 371 feet long and the sail boat is 70 feet, almost double my estimation! It is really an optical illusion. In this picture, you can see how huge they are. The yellowish sail boat in the foreground is normal size, that is about 30 feet. The blue sail boat is twice as long as the yellow one, and the main ship is about five times as long as the blue one. The ship's name is "Le Grand Bleu." A young, Russian, oil tycoon owns it. He has sailed to Monaco to watch the Monaco GP and invited Naomi Campbell to his on-board party. Umm, just a little bit more gorgeous than mine!

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