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April 22, 2005



It was a busy day. I woke up at 8am and went to see the eye doctor requesting him to write a letter for the aviation medical. When I came back to my room, I got a call from Seiji, a Japanese instructor in my flight school and he introduced me to the government doctor who has the authority of medical conclusion. When I met him at his office in Downtown, he glanced at my eye check result for a few seconds, and said, "You pass." It was so easy and light that I couldn't believe what he was saying. According to him, the aviation medical decision is operated in a very flexible way in Canada. As people with high myopia like me generally have the tendency to get serious eye problems in the future, they are required to take a special eye test. Now my worries have been blown away and I can concentrate on my flight lesson and study. I'm happy.

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