SPAM mails are really disgusting. Until a few years ago, it was rather easy to deal with them because I could throw away all the emails except in Japanese. But now, in Canada, I often receive English emails from my friends, shops, and companies. Moreover, the number of Chinese spam seems to be increasing very much. In this tragic situation, Gmail is very helpful for me because its spam filtering function is excellent. I love Gmail and cannot live without it. The only problem about Gmail is that it is not good at handling Japanese messages. For example, if I send an email from Gmail to Yahoo mail or Hot mail, Japanese characters are garbled. But Gmail can mostly read Japanese emails from Yahoo or Hot mail, I'm using Gmail as my prime mailer.
SPAM mail is really disgusting. Until a few years ago, it was rather easy to deal with them because I could throw away all the emails except in Japanese. But now, in Canada, I often receive English emails from my friends, shops, and companies. Moreover, the number of Chinese spam seems to be increasing very much. In this tragic situation, Gmail is very helpful for me because it's spam filtering function is excellent. I love Gmail and cannot live without it. The only problem about Gmail is that it is not good at handling Japanese messages. For example, if I send an email from Gmail to Yahoo mail or Hot mail, Japanese characters are garbled. But Gmail can mostly read Japanese emails from Yahoo or Hot mail, I'm using Gmail as my prime mailer.
Posted by: Corrector | April 23, 2005 at 08:59 AM