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February 24, 2005



Fighting between Live door and Fuji television is one of the hottest tropics in Japan now. Live door is a famous and new Internet portal company and Fuji television is one of the largest public TV key stations. In the beginning of this month, Live door got a lot of stocks of Nipponhoso, which is a large radio company and is also the parent company of Fuji television. The volume of stocks Live door got was more than one third of the whole stocks of Nipponhoso, which means that Live door has a chance to manage Nipponhoso and also has indirect control of Fuji television. Fuji television and Nipponhoso were of course astonished and announced yesterday a new but tricky plan in which they're going to issue more stocks which only Fuji television can buy. Both the ways in which Live door got the stocks and Fuji television announced it's reissue are gray in law, and this fighting is going to be left to the court. I think this is a fight between the old age and the new age. Older generations who have less interest in the Internet may feel more sympathy for Fuji television and the Younger generation may hope that Live door wins this fight. As I have a feeling that not only Fuji television but others are stuck in a rut, I have stronger sympathy for Live door. But unfortunately, as of this moment, Fuji television seems to have an advantage.

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