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October 06, 2004



It was Tuesday today, and I was a little bit tired of facing the laptop, so I went to Tinseltown to see a movie. The movie I chose was "The Motorcycle Diaries", which is a story based on a real adventure by two Argentine medical students. They traveled around South America on a ragged motorcycle named "Mighty One." They crashed so many times that the motorcycle was unusable by the time they had got half way. Then they continued to travel by hitchiking and on foot. It is interesting to see how they grew through their various experiences in their travels. And the people they met are all interesting. As I like traveling on a motorcycle, this movie seemed more fascinating. And what I have to say is that this movie is a Spanish film with English subtitles. So, I could understand much more than usual in English movies.

October 05, 2004 in English, Film | Permalink


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