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October 03, 2004



I sometimes visit a Mongolian BBQ restaurant on Davie. When I enter the restaturant I'm given a bowl to choose the meat, vegetables, and sauce. I can take as many ingredients as I like, but I can pick them only once, so it isn't an all-you-can-eat system. After filling up the bowl, I will give it to this chef who looks Mongolian. And he spread all my contents on this large, round, heated iron plate. He cooks with only one long stick. While he goes around this plate, it takes only 10 to 20 seconds, and my contents are well cooked. At the end of his cooking, he gives his greatest performance. That is, he takes back the spread ingredients into the bowl at one time using his magical stick. It's enjoyable.


Dude, I ate there yesterday. It was totally rad.

By the way, you can order the 'all you can eat' for $10.00, including a drink. I only had two large bowls before I got sick of it, though.

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