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October 08, 2004



i enjoy your diary very much. i wish i could go to stanley park (i live in california in the united states)


I found this brochure in my mail box a few days ago. It is a colorful brochure of a new condominium which is going to be built in downtown Vancouver.
It has 60 floors and is supposed to be the highest building here. The lower floors up to the 15th is the Shangrila Hotel and the rest of the higher floors are apartments for very rich residents. The smallest and cheapest one-bedroom apartment costs $400,000. The penthouse is said to be $13,000,000! (Too many digits!) I read a book which says that if you want something you should prepare the picture of it and put it on your right-hand side. Then the picture always stimulates your right brain and the dream comes true someday. So, I put this brochure on my desktop.

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