I'm now cycling almost every day. Of course the course around Stanley Park is great, but it isn't enough. If it were not for this cycling meter, I wouldn't have done excercise so hard. I have a target that I will ride on bicycle 1,000 km by the end of this October when I'm going back to Tokyo. Numerical targets sometimes let us work hard. And I was often distressed with them when I was a student or an employee. "I have to gain more than 90 points in the coming exam." "We have to sell the products this month twice as many as the amount of the month last year." If these numerical targets are given by others, they lead us into a terrible and unhappy condition. But if we set them by ourselves to control our working paces, they often go well. So, I have to run more 200 km by the end of next month.
I'm now cycling almost every day. Of course the track around Stanley Park is great, but it isn't enough. If it were not for this cycling meter, I wouldn't have done so much excercising. I have a target that I will ride 1,000 km by the end of this October when I go back to Tokyo. Numerical targets sometimes let us work hard. And I was often stressed out with them when I was a student or an employee. "I have to gain more than 90 points in the coming exam." "We have to sell twice as many products this month as the equivalent month last year." If these numerical targets are given by others, they can make us feel very stressed. But if we set them by ourselves they often go well. So, I have to ride another 200 km by the end of next month.
Posted by: peter | September 21, 2004 at 08:31 AM