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July 31, 2004



Ganges is a large town on Saltspring Island which is the largest island in the Gulf Islands. It is a town of hippies, and is full of the happy air and smoke of marijuana. I like this town very much because I feel happy there. When I visited there this time and stayed overnight, the next morning was very windy and I had to wait until the wind ceased. I had a bottle of wine in the morning even after the marijuana. I was heavily drunk and ultimately happy. I walked around the park and lay intoxicated on a bench in the park. All I could see were some hippies reading a book or carving wood, with the green leaves of trees and the blue sky. I felt as if I was in heaven.

The wind ceased in the evening, and I started sailing to Wallace Island. When I departed from Ganges Harbour I nearly hit a seaplane as I was still a little bit intoxicated. This was the one and only danger I experienced on this cruise. As I sobered up immediately after that I could safely enjoy the sailing from then on.

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