Natto is a Japanese traditional food popular in the eastern part of Japan including Tokyo. This strange food is made of soybeans wich are fermented wrapped with straw. It has a special smell and is also stringy, so some people say Natto is rotten! But it is of course wrong. Natto is a very nutritious food especially rich in vegetable protein and low in fats. The more you have it, the more you will be addicted to the special smell. Such as bluecheese, stinking food is often very delicious. We have it on rice with a little bit soy sauce and cut leek. This is one of the speciality for my breakfast.
Natto is a Japanese traditional food popular in the eastern part of Japan including Tokyo. This strange food is made of soybeans wich are fermented and wrapped with straw. It has a special smell and is also stringy, so some people say Natto is rotten! But it is of course wrong. Natto is a very nutritious food especially rich in vegetable protein and low in fats. The more you have it, the more you will be addicted to the special smell. Stinky food such as bluecheese is often very delicious. We have it on rice with a little bit of soy sauce and cut leek. This is one of the specialities that I make for my breakfast.
Posted by: peter | June 28, 2004 at 02:27 AM
I think of my Grandmothers, especially Obaachan Matsumoto. She was from Kyushu (Kumamoto)and she always had natto in the refrigerator. Thank you for reminding me of her. I think I'll go buy natto at my next visit to Uwajimaya.
Posted by: Rei | February 09, 2008 at 12:39 PM